Member of the Year

The OBC's Member of the Year (MoY) Competition is the proving ground for demonstrating participation, volunteerism, and overall contributions to the club. This is an annual members-only competition to establish and recognize the club's most participatory and noteworthy member of the year.

The winner of this prestigious award, which is announced at the club's holiday party each year, is determined by a point system as described below. The individual that attains the most points in this competition will receive the coveted Silver Bung Award and be crowned the OBC Member of the Year.

MOY POINTS: We've expanded this program in FY'23 to include the use of your points to purchase things such as hats, shirts, and other items well as using them as the entry fee for some OBC competitions and trips or events. Please see the below table for the details.  

Member of the Year Points Value

5 Points earned by:
  • Judge/Staff/Steward Professional Comp (Best of Craft Beer, etc)
  • Assist Treasurer sign in members at meeting
  • Bring food to a Meeting
  • Assist in Teaching Class/Workshop on Homebrew Topic
  • Participate in Pure Water Brew
10 Points earned by:
  • Judge/Staff/Steward Homebrew Comp within the Portland Metro Area (Heart of Cascadia, Fall Classic, Stout Bout, SheBrew, Krasen Cup etc)
  • Participate in Experiment limited to OBC Club members
  • Staff shift as server for Festival that provides income to OBC (ie PCBF, Nanofest, etc) per shift
  • Staff Shift for OBC Booth at local Festival (PCBF, Nano, HUB etc) 
  • Bring Full Keg to a meeting
  • Brew at OBC Sponsored Big BrewDay event (May)
  • Brew at OBC Sponsored Learn to Brew Day event (November)
  • Assist Burgermeister at event (Big Brew Day, Picnic, etc) 
20 Points earned by:
  • Teach Class/Workshop on Homebrew Topic
  • Present/lead education topic at an in-meeting
  • Judge/Staff/Steward Homebrew Comp Outside of Portland Metro (KLCC, COHO, State Fair, etc) or NHC Regionals, regardless of location.
  • Perform Brewing Demo in conjunction with OBC Booth at a Festival (HUB, PCBF, etc)
  • Write a Published article in the OBC newsletter
  • Serve on a Committee (Holiday Party, HomebrewCon, Competition specific)
  • Serve Keg of Beer at OBC Sponsored event (e.g. Oddball Festival, Big Brew, etc)
  • Organize Experiment limited to OBC Club members (e.g. Barrel project, Yeast experiment, Wort Share etc)
A: Points are earned during the calendar year from Jan 1- Nov 30th.
B: Members who bring food (1)/keg (3) to the Holiday Party in Dec. will be given raffle tickets in lieu of Points.
C: Members are responsible for reporting their own MoY points.
D: Board members are excluded from participating in the Member of the Year Competition. In lieu of this, as an honorarium for their time and contribution, each board member will receive 20 raffle tickets (equivalent to 100 points) for the holiday party raffle.
E: Raffle tickets for the holiday party will be awarded to all members that have unredeemed MoY points at the end of the year. Points will not roll over. Members will receive one ticket for every five points submitted.
F. MoY points may be redeemed for rewards according to the table below. Once redeemed, those points cannot be used again however they will count toward your total toward the member of the year.

MoY Points Table

5 raffle ticket
40 OBC Challenge Coin
50 OBC hat
50 $10 F H Steinbart gift card/certificate
50 1 free entry into OBC competition
75 OBC t-shirt (limited to sizes available)
90 ½ off 1 year single membership
100 $20 F H Steinbart gift card/certificate
175 OBC hoodie (limited to sizes available)
225 OBC workshirt (Carhart) (limited to sizes available)
250 1 bus trip ticket